
Monday, July 23, 2012

Who cares about bogs?

The Chesapeake Bay Journal is a great resource if you are interested in learning more about the issues affecting the bogs and estuaries of the Chesapeake Bay.

U.S. Botanic Garden

See what types of plants (and bogs) the U.S. Botanic Garden cultivates and preserves:

EPA's Information on Bogs

What does the EPA think about bogs?

Take Action! Be a Citizen Scientist

Help local scientists identify species and monitor biodiversity and health of your nearby wetlands in three simple steps.

(1) Visit your local bog.
(2) Take photos of plants, trees, and wildlife.
(3) Share the information with local experts.

Bogs are Helpful?!?!!

Did you know that bogs help absorb carbon dioxide?  To find out more, read here: 


This space was developed by educators working to conserve what is left of the bog ecosystems here in the Chesapeake Bay area.  We hope the resources on this page inspire you to become involved in the advocacy of bogs.  Start today and sign the petition!